IRF Funding at Risk- Reach Out Today!

If you are reading this post, then you probably understand the value of rehab….unfortunately- not  everyone does and sometimes, even our legislators don't either. The recent Obama deficit reduction proposal poses to  disproportionately cut inpatient...

New Consultants

BRB Consulting is pleased to share information about our team.  Check out  our professional staff and let us share our expertise with you! We look forward to exploring together how BRB Consulting  can support your organization. With experience in a variety of areas...

A Season for Change Part 2

So the process has begun and the team is ready to tackle an issue.  With the problem identified, now creating solutions can begin. After finding that one  thing, even if it is  small,  to change;  let the group brainstorm and discover 2 or  3 ways it could look...

A Season for Change

As the weather begins its transition into fall,  and the leaves begin to turn  colors,  it is a perfect time to think about change on a larger scale.  Many of us reflect from time to time on what we or our organizations could do better or even about things we  wish we...

Sharing Successes

BRB Consulting is committed to making today’s healthcare environment a better place for providers and consumers.  During the past year, Bonnie Breit, working with Tom Moore, developer of Midg-ett Tables™   launched EZ-Rest Retractable Folding Chair® as a...