Chuck Smith, MA has an extensive background in medical rehabilitation. Prior to joining BRB Consulting, he was the Senior Quality Practice Consultant at Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation. In this capacity, Chuck established a national reputation as an expert in the use of UDSmr™ report metrics to improve clinical performance and outcomes. He conducted numerous highly rated regional and national workshops and presentations covering practical topics related to data usage, program management and performance improvement.
Earlier in his career, Mr. Smith was the Director of Programs at SSM Rehab in St. Louis, Missouri. While responsible for program operations, program design and implementation, performance improvement and post acute care continuum development at SSM Rehab’s three campuses comprising 120 beds as well as multiple outpatient settings, he was also involved in SSM Healthcare’s successful bid to become the first health care organization to receive the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.
Chuck was both an administrative and program surveyor for CARF for over 20 years. He has extensive national and international survey experience with a broad spectrum of medical rehabilitation programs and values participating the CARF accreditation process.
Chuck’s consultative style blends analysis with practice and builds on the relationship between clinical operations, program outcomes and financial performance improvement in organizations.