Is your organization considering CARF  accreditation?  If yes,  we understand the reasons to pursue accreditation can be  multifaceted… maybe  it’s a state requirement or all your competitors are already CARF accredited.  Regardless of the reason,  it is essential to prepare for CARF in a multifaceted process, too.  Exploring  your mission or purpose, your community connections and the organizational structure are just some of the aspects you’ll need review.  Today’s CARF Standards speak to all of this and more.

So how do you  get started…first get an  up-to-date CARF Standards manual.  We can assure you  the initial investment of a couple hundred dollars  is very important.  CARF responds to the industry and refines  these standards annually  to ensure the person served is provided with quality effective care.

Next, don’t panic! Although the manuals are large- rarely do organizations have to meet everything in the book.

Read a little bit and  remember, you can always call  CARF.  The Resource Specialists  are happy to explain the standards and processes…

But…if you want a little more guidance  about the “How To’s” – contact  BRB Consulting to discuss how we can help!