We have a “vision statement”, so what?

I thought I’d write about “vision statements” today because this comes up so often in discussions with leadership, especially when discussing where to place resources. It’s an important concept but how many of us have been taught to write a vision statement or to even think in these terms?  I know most doctors I’ve talked to about a “vision statement” for their organization or program are bored as soon as the words leave my lips!

But doctors do care about the vision of their organization/program, because they care about the future of that organization/program!

The vision statement answers the question of “Why are we here?” It paints a vivid and clear picture of the future of the organization and/or program.  As described by Simon Sinek in his Framework of the Golden Circle, the clarity of WHY provides purpose, cause or belief and serves as the single driving motivation for action. (http://www.startwithwhy.com/portals/0/why_u_course/pdfs/c1_framework.pdf)

The vision statement communicates to the world the reasons for what we do and does not change when the market changes. The vision statement talks about the organization/program’s future.  As you and your doctors communicate with leadership, stakeholders, persons served or one another you must know why you exist!

If you need help in engaging your doctors with creating the vision statement, contact Donna Jo Blake, MD, BRB Consulting, Inc. for physician-to-physician guidance and training.  As your doctors take ownership of the vision of the organization/program, they will become more effective program advocates and leaders.